Tuesday, May 27, 2008

the waiting game

I look like a homeless person in need of shelter.

I got a call three hours ago, asking if the couple from Saturday could see our house a second time.

Sure. No problem. Let me just drop everything, leave work, and get right on that.

So I make it home with an hour to spare.

I vacuum. I dust. I put away laundry. I run the dishwasher.

With 15 minutes left, I decide I could scrub the hardwoods. That was, until the doorbell rang.

The seller's agent was early. And she wanted in. Now.

Okey dokey then.

So I pack up all the baked goods I had leftover from the Memorial Day weekend and toss it in a box. I grab the mail. Then I leash the dog.

And we are all now parked at a local beachfront park. Waiting.

I'm sure anyone looking at me in the mom-mobile thinks all my worldly possessions are crammed in the backseat.

I could take Dog2Amara for a walk while we're here. But I'm rather enjoying the chocolate chip cookies I've brought along.

I hope these people make an offer soon.


JaciR100 said...

good luck!!!! So exciting!!!

Susan M. said...

I remember driving around with dog and cat in the car in the summer heat - and finally parking at a local mall, so I could spend an hour reading "O" magazine.

And oh yeah, I remember reeking of toxic cleaning products - as I raced to do a quick floor scrub too before the potential buyers came.

I hated those days.
My sympathies.

Ms Eva said...

I've never been in your shoes. Wishing you all the best ... a acceptable offer soon.

laurie said...

Here's to a little unplanned down time. And keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!
BTW - when we moved in to our house in 1998 (our first) we swore that we would NEVER MOVE AGAIN. ;-)