Monday, June 30, 2008

got the keys

Ask anyone. Amara's excited to move to the new house. Even if it means a pit stop in an apartment.

But that doesn't mean the move has to be easy on a child.

Amara has her moments where the term "moving" means nothing.

Last night I packed up her bookcase. And she cried because she believed she'd no longer have books for a bedtime story.

So I've come up with a few tips that have helped us get Amara through this challenging, yet exhilarating time.

Tell them early on about the move. We've been hyping this up forever. And we're hoping that by the time the big day comes along, Amara will have had enough time to digest the news.

Involve them in the packing. This gives them a sense of responsibility and truly makes them feel like they're a part of the move.

Try to meet families in your new neighborhood. I know this isn't always possible. But it sure helps to tell Amara that she'll be going to school with Nina and playing soccer with Jenny.

Let them be a part of the decision making. Amara's chosen the color of her room. And she thinks she picked out which bedroom will be hers. It just encourages the excitement.

Moving with kids can be a challenge. But hopefully it'll be worth it.

And if all else fails, I'll just bribe Amara with a Happy Meal.

1 comment:

Susan M. said...

Uh, last picture update was June 21
By my calculations, that's been about two and a half weeks.

What's going on at the new house?