Thursday, May 15, 2008

a house sold...just not mine

Dad2Amara called with some disappointing news.

A house on our street sold.

And it wasn't the Yellow House.

We realized that the Yellow House has now been on the market for 40 days.

A lot can happen in 40 days.

It rained on Noah.

Josh Hartnett abstained from sex.

And the Yellow House sat on the market.

Why don't people like our house? I'm starting to take it personally.

Is my house just designed with too many upgrades? So many that it turns off a buyer that would "typically" look in this neighborhood?

Do buyers want carpet in the living room, no hardwoods?

What is wrong with the Yellow House?

And how the heck am I going to get it sold?

I'm getting tense.


newshutr said...

Don't obsess. My inlaws house has been on the market for close to a year.

40 days is nothing.

JaciR100 said...

It will all work out. Plus you dont want to sell too soon with possible closing demands that make you homeless for a while. I think you still have plenty of time. The fact that houses are selling in your area is a GREAT thing. Nothing has sold in mine in several months. eh! Anyone want a $300,000 condo for 777 Sq feet in Boston? I leave in 2 years. I'm thinking of putting it up for sale now! :)